contact nordic profile

see who is employed and who can help you

We have 9 offices at our head office in Amaliegade, Copenhagen.
See who you can contact here or call +45 166 100 and we'll help you find the right person.

If you are interested in seeing our facade solutions and getting an introduction to the different systems, please let us know and drop by. We're also happy to come to you, wherever you are in the country.

Our Danish team

John Bitsch

Founder & Head of Product Development

Jørgen Tøtterup Sørensen

Alexander Andreassen

Therese Thorup Henriksen

Casper Bak Nygaard

Mikkel Kjærulf Olsen

Line Kapella Idziak

Brand Communication Manager

Hannibal Steenfos

Product Developer & Design Engineer

Kavitaa Dixon

Branding & Graphic Designer

our German team

Nordisk Profil GmbH is based in Padderborn and covers the European market.

Don't hesitate to contact our German colleagues if you have construction projects in Germany or other European countries outside the Nordic region. They will be happy to come by for a no-obligation chat and illustrate our systems.

Our German team is ready to help with facade solutions for all types of construction and also offers special expertise in safety protection for parking garages, among other things.

Contact us

Thank you for your inquiry. We will contact you as soon as possible.

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